Aquaponics USA


Are you looking to provide Food Security for your family? Do you want to avoid pesticides, petrol-chemicals and GMO Food?

You can grow your own Fish and Vegetables in a Family PLUG & GROW™ Aquaponics System.

See  below.

Aquaponics Student Fishing


Why Aquaponics?

Aquaponics Teachers Chalk Board

Are you looking to create a STEM Classroom with Aquaponics?

We have Aquaponics  PLUG & GROW™ STEM Food Growing Systems that can turn an ordinary classroom into an exciting hands-on STEM Classroom in a matter of hours.

Go to our Home Page to see our Systems.

Have you noticed that we are surrounded by countries with crashing economies? Have you noticed how the economies of the world are all intertwined? Have you heard the many economists warning us that the U.S. will be affected by a projected worldwide economic melt down? Never mind the fact that our own government has been printing dollars out of thin air under the guise of "Covid Relief and Rebuilding the Infastructure". This reckless economic behavior will not end well. Eventually, the dollars presently held in American households as a result of savings and hard work will be de-valued along with future dollars coming into American households, and we will face hyperinflation and perhaps even food shortages.

Aquaponics (AP) is our answer. Aquaponics is a hybrid food growing technology combining the best of aqua-culture (growing fish) and hydroponics (growing veggies without soil), and it's completely organic because the fish waste is your natural fertilizer and that means no pesticides. Aquaponics USA is dedicated to sharing information, developing products and bringing awareness of this life sustaining technology to every American household and School because it's time Americans become Food Independent.

Aquaponics USA is Feeding America, One Family At A Time and Teaching America, One School At A Time with our Aquaponics Family & STEM PLUG & GROW™ Teaching & Food Growing Systems. We have Systems that range from 15 to 65 sq. ft. of Grow Bed space and Fish Tanks from 100 to 500 gallons. Our PLUG & GROW™ Systems come with every you need. For DIY'ers, we offer everything you need to start on the road to Food Independence with Aquaponics. Go to our AP Products pull down Menu at the top of the page or here's a clickable list of all of our products: Tilapia Fingerlings, Tilapia Fish Food, Automatic Fish Feeders, Seed Starter Kits, Air and Water Pumps, Measuring Devices, Grow Bed Media, LED Grow Lights, Fish Tank Heaters, Grow Tents, Hydroton, Aquaponics Nutrients and Accessories. We refer to ourselves as your "One STOP SHOP" for Everything Aquaponic.

Any farmer knows there’s a time to plant and a time to harvest. That time is dictated by the seasons. But Aquaponics needs to be a year round operation. It's not like you can stop eating in the winter. So we’re talking about feeding your family and teaching students year round regardless of the season. Unless you live in a season-less, tropical climate, you will need to place your Aquaponics STEM & Family PLUG & GROW™ Teaching & Food Growing System in a protected environment. These systems come complete with everything you need. LED Grow Lights are optional for anyone growing in a garage, room in their house or Classroom.  

Perhaps you would want to build or purchase a Greenhouse so you can take advantage of the sunlight that nature provides for free. These requirements are discussed in more detail on our informative Water and Fish pages. You can see how our Greenhouse and our Growroom progressed over the period of time since we built them in late 2008 and 2010 until we sold our California location and moved to AZ in 2016.

Planting and harvesting are on-going activities, but we always make sure we plant something on July 4th. We feel that’s a perfect day to declare ourselves as people who are becoming Food Independent. We designate our fish and veggies by our Aquaganic™ Trademark. To be Aquaganic™ products must be GMO-Free and grown in an Aquaponics System.

Spend some time with the scrolling images below to see the amazing variety of vegetables that can be grown in Aquaponics STEM & Family PLUG & GROW™ Food Growing Systems.

The vegetables are only half of the Aquaponics story. The other half is all about the fish. In fact, we regard the fish as so important, we call the Fish Tank "The Engine of our Aquaponics Family and STEM Teaching & Food Growing Systems". Surprisingly enough, raising the fish is not that difficult as long as you're raising Tilapia because they are so resilient and hardy. Therefore, they can withstand beginner Aquaponic Farmer water quality errors without croaking.

Because we were operating an R&D Aquaponics Lab for many years, we wanted to see how long Tilapia would live in an efficiently run system. Many of our customers are vegetarians and want their fish to be worker fish running the engine of their system. In the picture below are Tilapia we purchased as Fingerlings in the summer of 2009. They are about three years old in the photo. When we closed down that system in the spring of 2016 to move to Arizona, many of these same Tilapia were still going strong and they were huge (some were 30" long and weighed over 5 lbs.). But if you're planning to eat your fish, you don't want to let them get that big. A 1 1/2 lb. Tilapia makes for a delicious meal. The fish in this photo  are between 1 and 2 lbs.

If you're using an Automatic Fish Feeder, fish growing becomes an easy job because they pretty much take care of themselves. We sell Tilapia Fingerlings and Tilapia Fish Food. The principle activities going on in the Fish Tank are swimming, eating, resting after dark in the bottom of the tank, breeding, birthing, brooding the young--Repeat. They don't know they're normal activities are resulting in your being able to do one of the most important things on our planet--Grow Food!

The Fish Tank is  the Engine!

Below is our economical STEM & Family PLUG & GROW™ Food Growing System, the FGS-20. Bring it into your home, garage, greenhouse or bring it into a Classroom. This is just one example of the six Basic Designs we offer. Go to our Home Page to see them all or click over to each different system from the Drop Down Menu above.

These systems create a PLUG & GROW™ STEM Classroom in a matter of hours. PLUG & GROW™ means all of our Systems come complete with the Grow Bed Media, Live Tilapia Fingerlings, Fish Food for 1 Year, an Automatic Fish Feeder,  a Seed Starter Kit, Unlimited Tech Support, 3 Manuals, Starter Bacteria, Water Cleaning Bacteria, Tank Cover Net and Fish Net (Grow Lights are optional). The entire PLUG & GROW™ bundle can be purchased with one Invoice.

The FGS-20 STEM & Family PLUG & GROW™ Food Growing System has a 120 gallon fish tank and two 11 square foot, Rapid Cycle Deep Media Grow Beds like the ones you see here, for a total of 22 square feet of growing space. Go to our FGS-20 page for more information and details about this great Aquaponics STEM & Family PLUG & GROW™ Food Growing System for Schools and Homes.

You can raise up to 20 fish at 1.25 pounds (0.5 Kg) each in this tank, which is about 38 pounds of fish per year. Click on the picture to go to the Growing System page, where it’s featured, for more details. This system requires 2 ft. of walk around space all around it.

We also offer Aquaponics STEM & Family Food Growing Systems that don't require this walk around space and can be placed up against a wall. These are our EZ-Reach Systems. All of our Systems come with metal stands that are sturdy and durable. Click the following Links to explore each System: FGS-44R, FGS-20, EZ-22, EZ-15, FGS-42, FGS-65

Below is a photo of our FGS-44R Aquaponics STEM & Family PLUG & GROW™ Teaching & Food Growing System. This System makes a great STEM Classroom System because your Students can easily gather around all four Grow Beds. Click on the Link or the photo below to go to the System page.


This is a call to every American to step up and embrace the change that’s coming. You still have time to set up your own Aquaponics Family or STEM PLUG & GROW™ Food Growing system. The time and money you spend will be so worth your effort as the price of food continues to sky rocket.  What a beautiful lesson to pass on to your children and grandchildren and how incredible it is to turn a normal Classroom into a magical world where Science, Biology and Chemistry come to life.

In Closing on this Page about "WHY Aquaponics", it’s important to also address how our family farms have been taken over by Big Agricultural Giants known as Factory Farms. These Big Agra companies care more about their bottom line than the health of the animals they raise, the nutritional value of the crops they are producing and the health of the people that the animals and the crops are feeding.

The Food Movement is quite literally a movement away from Industrialized Food and a Movement toward being more Food Independent or at least a Movement to get closer to the source of our food, which means going back to locally grown, family farm food. There are activist groups against Monsanto and GMO’s.

There are several important DVD’s and YouTube Videos out on the Food Movement including Fresh,

Food Inc., MEATRIX Part I, MEATRIX Part II, The Future of Food, Food Matters, The World According To Monsanto, End Of The Line and more. Just Google these titles to purchase or watch these important and educational productions about food. There’s a now famous quote by Henry Kissinger that says, “If you control the food supply, you control the people”. Us Americans are all about being Independent, not controlled. It’s time to become FOOD INDEPENDENT!

Aquaponics Family Eating


We've been using cartoon imagery on this "WHY Aquaponics" Page in order to bring levity to our very serious message.

But when we talk about the possibility of Food Shortages, we're not talking to cartoon families, we're talking to real families. Don't wait until it's too late to become more Food Independent. Start growing your own food now.

Hyperinflation Canon

As we watch our financial system crumble before our eyes, our government contines to argue over cutting runaway spending. These reckless monetary policies will catapult us into hyperinflation like clowns out of a cannon.

Don't be caught by surprise. Get your family prepared for what could be the most challenging economic times in the U.S. Start by learning how to grow food with an  Aquaponics STEM & Family PLUG & GROW™ Food Growing System. We're setting that example and starting a Movement.

Be sure to check out our Social Media Sites and our Daily Aquaponics USA Food & Health News newspaper called Paperli. You can access them at the top of our Home Page.

All of our Videos are on our About Page as well as on our Aquaponics USA YouTube TV Channel.

Thank You for visiting our "WHY Aquaponics" Page; but you've just gotten started. There are lots of other pages to explore on this very extensive website about Aquaponics, Aquaponics Products, Aquaponics Accessories and our STEM & Family PLUG & GROW™ Food Growing Systems.

Aquaponoics Grace with Lettuce Tote
Aquaponics Family
Aquaponics Fishtank 1
Aquaponics Fishtank 2
Cartoon fish
cartoon ct
Aquaponics FGS-20S



Before you leave this important subject of "Why Aquaponics", be sure to read this one-page Report!

If you're ready to see the big picture and know the TRUTH about the state of our Global Food, Water and Fish Security, Click on this pdf.

In one page, it alerts you to the 3-Pronged Crisis that is coming at us like a freight train. These truths are being hidden and misrepresented by those who know and Governments that don't know how to deal with what's coming.

Our passion for getting the word out about the importance of Aquaponics has everything to do with these Truths. We can save ourselves, but we have act NOW!








In contrast to our cheery imagery, we feel compelled to share the importance of learning Aquaponics because if there was ever a time in the modern era to start growing food–it is NOW.

On March 25, 2022, President Biden announced there would be Food Shortages! One of the main drivers of Food Shortages is the scarcity of Fertilizers. Aquaponics doesn't need Fertilizers! The Fish Fertilize your plants

We'll be sending out quick Updates about AUSA. We're not doing lengthy Newsletters right now, but the ones we've done are well worth your time. You'll find Articles about Aquaponics, our Food System, a 19-Part Series on Obesity In AMERICA, including a 3-Part Series on the #3 Killer in America, Diabetes all here on our Site.

Go to the AP Info Pull Down Menu above for Aquaponics Newsletters Groups 1-3.

Subscribe to our Mailing List

* indicates required

Teachers and Famiy Members, HERE IT IS! Our popular and very informative Aquaponics 101 E-Book by Oliver Duffy in a Clickable pdf Format so you can download and Print it yourself. Up until now, it has only been available on our website under the Education Pull Down Menu. But Teachers have requested that we make it more accessible for Classroom use.

It comes with accompanying Quizzes and a Completion Certificate and is a duplicate of what's on our site complete with Grace's original Cartoon Character representing Oliver, the Aerospace Engineer, an Aquaponics Expert.

Read through this Book that was written so beginners can avoid common errors in building and running Aquaponics Systems, and you, your students or family will be off to a good start at becoming  Aquaponics Gardners.

This Book is our Gift to Teachers and Families who are performing one of the most important jobs on the Planet--Teaching our children who represent the future of our World to GROW FOOD!

Teachers and Family Members, are you ready to teach your students and children about what's WRONG with our broken Food System?

We have some of the best information on the web about Obesity In America, Diabetes and the Food Revolution. It's in our Archived Newsletters.

They were written in the past but are as timely today as they were when they were written because the System is still broken. Go over to our 3 Groups of Archived Newsletters:


GROUP 2: 11 Parts of the 19-Part Series, Obesity In America

GROUP 3: 8 Parts of the 19-Part Series, Obesity In America with a 3-Part Series on DIABETES



Teachers and Family Members, we've got you covered with all of the Basics you need to Start Up, Run and Maintain your PLUG & GROW™ Food Growing System.

With all of the information we share on this website, you can only be successful. And we're happy and ready to help with Unlimited Tech Support and the Answers to any Questions you have about Aquaponics and our Systems.

The Fish Page tells you about Tilapia, the Fish we recommend you raise in your Tank.

The Veggies Page tells you about some of the most common vegetables you can raise.

The Water Page tells you about the 8 important things that determine healthy water quality.

The Grow Beds Page shares important things you need to know about your Grow Beds.

TEeachers and Family Members, Check Out the Resources Below:

Go to the big Beige Box above to learn how to get ARP ESSER Grants for our STEM Food Growing Systems.

Go to the big Green Box to get our pdf and learn how to create a PLUG & GROW™ STEM Teaching & Food Growing Classroom.

Go to the big Red Box to get our informative Aquaponics 101 E-Book about Aquaponics Food Growing technology.

Go to the big Grey Box to discover our new Aquaponics AI Tracking Software Program for 1 Year when you purchase one of our PLUG & GROW™ STEM and Family Food Growing Systems.

Go to the big Blue Box to get our Archived Newsletters and read some of the best and most informative articles available about our Food System, the Food Revolution, Obesity In America and Diabetes.

Go to the big Teal Box to get to our 4 Teaching Teachers and Family Members Pages that contain Basic Information about Aquaponics Systems.

Go to the big Dark Green Box to get to our 7 Teaching-the-Teacher Pages about Aquaponics In Education.

Go to our Aquaponics USA You Tube Channel to see us in Action in our Demonstration Greenhouse.

Go to our TikTok Channel to see 15 second Videos of What's Happening At Aquaponics USA. We went VIRAL!

Learn How To Create an Integrated Edible Schoolroom that teaches across all Ages & many Disciplines while also Growing Food!


This great Software Program created by Aquaponics AI brings confidence, reliability and a sigh of relief for Teachers and Families that are running Aquaponics Systems.

You will never have to rely on a Notebook to Track your System again. This Software has an ever-changing Overview of your Records on a Dashboard that keeps it all right there for you and your students and family in real time.

You can access up to date Research in the Fish and Crop Library and create Unlimited Projects while you also track Daily Tasks and Check Lists.

Teaching Aquaponics in STEM Classrooms and running home Systems has just become a whole lot easier, and the Mobile Ap allows you to see what's happening with your System when you're miles away.

This Aquaponics AI Tracking Software Program comes with all of our PLUG & GROW™Systems. You will be on our Aquaponics USA  AI Team so we will be able to see your System's important Data along with you and offer Coaching when requested.


TEACHERS, are you ready to Bring Your Classroom To Life?

Bring Your Classroom to Life

We have a 36 page clickable pdf that tells you everything you need to know to create a STEM Classroom using our STEM Teaching & Food Growing Systems. Click on the Cover to the right to open it.

You can also go to our "Aquaponics In The Classroom" Page and check out our "Where To Get A Grant" Page.

It's amazing to see how Aquaponics is being embraced by our U.S. schools as the STEM Movement takes off.  

Look at our STEM and Family PLUG & GROW™ Teaching & Food Growing System offerings by clicking below. We offer six different Systems of various sizes and configurations to fit in every imaginable kind of space.  

Below are all of our Linked System Pages:

EZ-15, EZ-22, FGS-20, FGS-44R, FGS-42, FGS-65

It's time to start teaching the most important subject on our planet--How To Grow Food!